Virtual courses
NTA Program - Virtual courses 2025

N073: Integration of Sedimentology, Petrophysics and Seismic Interpretation for Exploration and Production of Carbonate Systems

N580: Exploration and Development of Deep Aquifer Geothermal for Direct Heat Use

N058: Reservoir Characterization and Geostatistical Modeling; A Data Analytical Approach to Practical Geospatial Reservoir Mapping

N510: Mitigating Bias, Blindness and Illusions in E&P Decision Making

N675: Sandstone Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality for Exploration, Appraisal, Field Development, and CCS Projects

N470: AVO Reflectivity, Pre-stack Inversion and Quantitative Seismic Interpretation

N483: Deepwater Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis from Seismic, Well Data and Outcrops

N013: Overpressure in Petroleum Systems and Geopressure Prediction

N049: Seismic Attributes for Exploration and Reservoir Characterisation

N505: Applications of Time-Lapse Seismic Data to Reservoir Management and Carbon Storage

N549: Subsurface Characterization, Screening and Site Selection for Geologic CO2 Storage Sites

N004: The Essentials of Rock Physics and Seismic Amplitude Interpretation

N477: A Systematic Approach to Defining and Evaluating Stratigraphic and Subtle Combination Traps

N676: Carbonate Reservoir Quality for Hydrocarbon and CCS applications