Field courses
US field courses 2025

N463: Geological Drivers for Tight-Oil and Unconventional Plays in the Powder River Basin and Applications to Other Basins (Wyoming, USA)

N364: Fracture Architecture, Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Organic-rich Mudstones of Ancient Upwelling Zones with Application to Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (California, USA)

N379: Application of Geomechanics to Reservoir Characterization, Management and Hydraulic Stimulation (Wyoming, USA)

N074: Geological and Seismic Interpretation of Thrust Structures for Exploration and Reservoir Characterization (Montana, USA)

N011: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy: Reservoir Applications (Utah, USA)

N134: Carbonate and Shale Faulting and Fracturing Field Seminar (Texas, USA)

N674: Northern Appalachian Basin: Tectonics, Faults, and Fractures, and their effects on the Utica, Marcellus, and Geneseo Black Shales (New York & Pennsylvania, USA)

N576: Reservoir Modelling and the Application of Outcrop Analogues (Utah, USA)

N091: Carbonate Reservoir Architecture and Applied Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy (West Texas & SE New Mexico, USA)