Integrated programs
Exploration - Level 2: Graduate
Integrated program designed for early-career professionals and consists of a multidiscipline curriculum that supports Exploration of clastic and carbonate reservoirs. The program is designed for geoscientists from exploration teams.
The course addresses fundamental issues involved in acquiring and processing seismic data and the questions which seismic interpreters need to ask to determine whether, and how, to re-acquire or re-process existing seismic data. Attendees will interactively process real data from field records to migration and will gain an understanding of the latest techniques and knowledge of how to apply them effectively and efficiently. This module provides practical knowledge and understanding of the techniques and concepts used in the seismic interpretation process. It also provides a thorough introduction covering all aspects, from the fundamentals of the seismic method to mapping and the use of seismic attributes.
Learning Outcomes
- Recognise the most common seismic acquisition and processing techniques used in seismic exploration and production.
- Identify how velocity analysis, anisotropy and selection of migration algorithm can affect accuracy of interpretation.
- Discuss the impact of seismic processing parameter selection on amplitude interpretation.
- Demonstrate the fundamentals of sampling theory and seismic survey design and consequences for acquisition, processing and interpretation objectives.
- Examine the use of seismic modelling in survey design, processing parameter selection and interpretation verification.
- Explain fundamental aspects of seismic wave propagation, diffractions, and reflection criteria.
- Compare 2D and 3D seismic acquisition techniques; evaluate key survey requirements necessary to achieve project objectives.
- Assess the importance of key seismic data processing steps including datum and statics corrections, velocity analyses, migration and depth imaging.
- Contrast 2D and 3D seismic data benefits, recognize common imaging pitfalls
This course is fundamental for exploration geoscientists, who will gain the key knowledge and skills required to perform Basin Analysis and Play Fairway Analysis. The Basin and Structural Analysis portion of the course examines the tectonic, stratigraphic and sedimentary controls on petroleum systems in sedimentary basins. The tectonic processes generating sedimentary basins, their structural development, the geometry of each basin type and the development of depositional systems within basins are described. Emphasis is placed on the processes that influence the variability of structural styles, their influence on sediment transport pathways and, hence, trap geometry and reservoir predictions. The key topics of the Play Fairway Analysis portion are play definition; construction of gross depositional environment (GDE) maps; play fairway analysis of reservoir, seal, source and charge; risk and uncertainty; risking using CRS; resource estimates; trap domains.
Learning Outcomes
- Examine the plate tectonic settings, fault geometries, drainage patterns, sediment derivation and facies patterns associated with extensional basins and beneath passive margins (rift basins, magma rich and magma poor margins).
- Categorise the various tectonic controls on trapping styles in petroleum systems formed in post-rift or passive margin settings (e.g. gravity sliding and spreading).
- Analyse the petroleum systems set up in compressional, fold-and-thrust belts and their associated foreland basin settings.
- Illustrate the effects of positive structural inversion in controlling structural styles, fault geometries and their petroleum systems.
- Verify structural geometries that characterise petroleum systems formed in strike-slip (wrench) settings.
- Evaluate ‘hero’ lines and define the key plays in a basin.
- Map the understanding of the play elements (presence and effectiveness of reservoir, source and seal) and consider interpretation confidence and alternative models.
- Determine play resource and yet to find estimates using creaming curves and gap analysis, prospect density and geochemical methods.
The course addresses through workshop sessions all aspects of the formation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in sedimentary basins. The sessions will consider the various oil field uses of geochemistry, and its limitations. The emphasis is on the qualitative and quantitative prediction of charge to petroleum reservoirs and understanding its variability within the reservoir. By the end of the course, participants will have practical experience of the interpretation of the main types of geochemical data.
Learning Outcomes
- Evaluate the petroleum system elements. Factors controlling the quality of - source rock, reservoir, trap, seal and overburden.
- Know the depositional settings in which the different petroleum systems elements can be deposited and relate it to GDE maps.
- Conduct 1D basin modelling studies and recognize essential input requirements for Basin Modelling.
- Construct a petroleum systems event chart at either basin, acreage or prospect scale.
- Demonstrate good understanding of the works and processes involved.
- Understand the concepts of timing and critical moment.
This course will teach participants to consider sedimentology and structural geology in terms of understanding and characterising a reservoir. It will consider the facies characteristics of different clastic and carbonate depositional environments, focussing on the reservoir potential in each case with reference to reservoir body dimensions, heterogeneities at different scales and relationship to associated facies. At each stage the course reviews the source of the data on which the model is derived, uncertainty associated with all interpretations from seismic to petrophysical data and how alternative models may be possible.
Learning Outcomes
- Assess the sources of data that contribute to the understanding and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs, their use, and the associated uncertainty.
- Explore the basic concepts of wettability, capillarity, relative permeability, and Darcy’s Law, and how to define fluid contacts and flow zones.
- Appreciate how different depositional architectures and stacking patterns arise.
- Asses heterogenous, tight/fine-grained, carbonate, and clastic reservoirs.
- Evaluate the varying methods of reservoir correlation.
- Consider faults as barriers or conduits.
- Locate the remaining oil and review well test and production data.
- Select appropriate analogues for reservoir characterisation.
The course teaches the principles and techniques necessary for a geoscientist to work effectively within a multi-disciplinary field development team. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of appraisal, field development planning and reservoir management, supported by field case studies. On completion, participants will understand the multi-disciplinary nature, of the workflows that underpin oil and gas field development projects.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate the use of routine core data analysis data and its utilisation in measuring and understanding the controls on porosity and permeability.
- Apply special core analysis data to understand concepts of capillary pressures, rock wettability and relative permeability.
- Distinguish hydrocarbon-water contacts and understand how these vary in response to different fluid types and rock properties.
- Analyse the PVT relationship of reservoir fluids and see how variability in fluid properties impacts on field development planning and production.
- Analyse reservoir energy and drive mechanisms and their effect on reservoir performance and hydrocarbon recovery.
- Demonstrate the use of 3D static reservoir models and assess the role of input parameters, especially depositional controls on reservoir quality distribution, in calculating deterministic and stochastic hydrocarbon-in-place estimates.
- Verify size limitations on dynamic simulation models and the main techniques for the effective up-scaling of geological data.
- Contrast field appraisal and development strategies using different case studies.
Exploration - Level 3: Applied
Integrated program designed for mid-career professionals and consists of a multidiscipline curriculum that supports Exploration of clastic and carbonate reservoirs. The program is designed for geoscientists from exploration teams.
The Basin and Structural Analysis portion of the course examines the tectonic, stratigraphic and sedimentary controls on petroleum systems in sedimentary basins. The tectonic processes generating sedimentary basins, their structural development, the geometry of each basin type and the development of depositional systems within basins are described. Emphasis is placed on the processes that influence the variability of structural styles, their influence on sediment transport pathways and, hence, trap geometry and reservoir predictions.
The key topics of the Play Fairway Analysis portion are play definition; construction of gross depositional environment (GDE) maps; play fairway analysis of reservoir, seal, source and charge; risk and uncertainty; risking using CRS; resource estimates; trap domains.
Learning Outcomes
- Examine the plate tectonic settings, fault geometries, drainage patterns, sediment derivation and facies patterns associated with extensional basins and beneath passive margins (rift basins, magma rich and magma poor margins).
- Categorise the various tectonic controls on trapping styles in petroleum systems formed in post-rift or passive margin settings (e.g. gravity sliding and spreading).
- Analyse the petroleum systems set up in compressional, fold-and-thrust belts and their associated foreland basin settings.
- Illustrate the effects of positive structural inversion in controlling structural styles, fault geometries and their petroleum systems.
- Verify structural geometries that characterise petroleum systems formed in strike-slip (wrench) settings.
- Evaluate ‘hero’ lines and define the key plays in a basin.
- Map the understanding of the play elements (presence and effectiveness of reservoir, source and seal) and consider interpretation confidence and alternative models.
- Determine play resource and yet to find estimates using creaming curves and gap analysis, prospect density and geochemical methods.
- Integrate risks on all play elements to compile common risk segment maps and calibrate with drilling statistics and well failure/success analyses.
The course addresses through workshop sessions all aspects of the formation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in sedimentary basins. The sessions will consider the various oil field uses of geochemistry, and its limitations. The emphasis is on the qualitative and quantitative prediction of charge to petroleum reservoirs and understanding its variability within the reservoir. By the end of the course, participants will have practical experience of the interpretation of the main types of geochemical data.
Learning Outcomes
- Evaluate the petroleum system elements. Factors controlling the quality of - source rock, reservoir, trap,seal and overburden; know the depositional settings in which the different petroleum systems elements can be deposited and relate it to GDE maps.
- Conduct 1D basin modelling studies and recognize essential input requirements for Basin Modelling.
- Construct a petroleum systems event chart at either basin, acreage or prospect scale.
- Demonstrate good understanding of the works and processes involved.
- Understand the concepts of timing and critical moment.
The workshop is designed for geoscientists carrying out studies in areas dominated by deep water depositional systems. Through a series of workshop case studies, the participants are exposed to many aspects of interpretation of subsurface data with the emphasis on predicting, mapping and quantifying deep water reservoirs. This will include the evaluation of seismic facies to create a depositional model and predict reservoir presence, distribution, and quality, the construction of seismic interpretations by integrating analogues, models and wells and the evaluation of reflection terminations and configurations on seismic data. This will lead to an assessment of the implications of interpretations on lithology, net-to-gross, and reservoir properties.
Learning Outcomes
Play Identification
- Construct a relevant geological play map and cross-section of the basin.
Trap Identification & Evaluation
- Conduct horizon interpretations and produce depth structural maps with confidence and have the ability to explain the structural and stratigraphic trap analysis
- Support and provide input to Operations Geophysicist on seismic acquisition design, target-oriented processing and geological input for the velocity model.
- Identify the pitfalls and limitations in seismic interpretation, including uncertainty analysis.
- Use of seismic attributes, DHI, QI, AVO in geological interpretation and modelling.
- QC and provide fit-for-purpose solutions to seismic interpreter.
- Handle and guide others on data management for all related seismic data.
- Prepare an application of a 2D reconstruction model
Reservoir Evaluation
- Evaluate deepwater depositional environment, processes, facies and environment of depositional maps and consider implications for gross reservoir and non-reservoir distribution.
- Generate paleogeographic and Gross Depositional Environment maps for deepwater systems.
- Experience and able to use outcrop/core/image log in stratigraphy and sedimentology analysis.
- Generate reservoir maps lithology facies N/G porosity permeability saturation and relate based on depositional & diagenetic trend.
- Identify and predict distribution of reservoir heterogeneities
Seal Evaluation
- Identify and rectify contouring errors, generate a reliable structural (fault) interpretation and structure maps.
- Differentiate and explain the kinematics of the fault system
- Conduct fault seal analysis and estimation of Shale Gauge Ratio for prospect maturation.
- Construct seal (caprock) analysis and hydrocarbon column distribution based on well & seismic data.
The workshop is designed for geoscientists carrying out studies in areas dominated by carbonate depositional systems. Through a series of workshop case studies, the participants are exposed to many aspects of interpretation of subsurface data with the emphasis on predicting, mapping and quantifying carbonate reservoirs. This will include the evaluation of seismic facies to create a depositional model and predict reservoir presence, distribution, and quality, the construction of seismic interpretations by integrating analogues, models and wells and the evaluation of reflection terminations and configurations on seismic data. This will lead to an assessment of the implications of interpretations on lithology, net-to-gross, and reservoir properties.
Learning Outcomes
Play Identification
- Construct a relevant geological play map and cross-section of the basin.
Trap Identification & Evaluation
- Conduct horizon interpretations and produce depth structural maps with confidence and have the ability to explain the structural and stratigraphic trap analysis.
- Support and provide input to Operations Geophysicist on seismic acquisition design, target-oriented processing and geological input for the velocity model.
- Understand the pitfalls and limitations in seismic interpretation, including uncertainty analysis.
- Use of seismic attributes, DHI, QI, AVO in geological interpretation and modelling.
- QC and provide fit-for-purpose solutions to seismic interpreter.
- Handle and guide others on data management for all related seismic data.
- Apply 2D reconstruction model.
Reservoir Evaluation
- Evaluate carbonate depositional environment, processes, facies and environment of depositional maps and consider implications for gross reservoir and non-reservoir distribution.
- Generate paleogeographic and Gross Depositional Environment maps for carbonate systems.
- Experience and able to use outcrop/core/image log in stratigraphy and sedimentology analysis.
- Generate reservoir maps lithology facies N/G porosity permeability saturation and relate based on depositional & diagenetic trend.
- Identify and predict distribution of reservoir heterogeneities.
Seal Evaluation
- Identify and rectify contouring errors, generate a reliable structural (fault) interpretation and structure maps.
- Differentiate and explain the kinematics of the fault system
- Conduct fault seal analysis and estimation of Shale Gauge Ratio for prospect maturation.
- Construct seal (caprock) analysis and hydrocarbon column distribution based on well & seismic data.
The exercises will develop the concepts and methods involved in prospect evaluation, the Possibility of Success (POS) assessment, the calculation of prospect volumetrics and petroleum economics. The geological factors involved in assessing the probability of finding hydrocarbons will be explored, including how to assign numerical values to these factors and calculate the overall result. Both deterministic and probabilistic approaches to volumetric assessment are used along with exercises using static, decline curve, material balance approaches and reservoir simulation.
Learning Outcomes
Risk and Resource Assessment
- Determine and justify input parameters for resource calculation and had performed hydrocarbon volumes calculation i.e. deterministic & probabilistic methods.
- Apply the "cut-off" volumes, risk assessment - types and levels of risk, interdependency of/in prospect, and differences between play and prospect level risks.
Project Economic and Portfolio Analysis
- Apply the economic results of Project Economic and Portfolio Analysis.
Reservoir Development and Modelling - Level 3: Applied
Integrated program designed for mid-career professionals and consists of a multidiscipline curriculum that supports Reservoir Model Design and Development of clastic and carbonate reservoirs. The program is designed for geoscientists and engineers from exploration and development teams.
This module considers the physical properties of rock formations and their pore fluids and demonstrates how these properties are estimated both in the laboratory and the wellbore. Data from a case study area can be used to demonstrate how downhole logs and core measurements provide key quantitative inputs into a reservoir model.
Learning Outcomes
- Appreciate the importance of data preparation and quality control.
- Understand the application and limitations of calculated petrophysical logs as inputs to the reservoir model and the uncertainties involved.
- Understand the application and limitations of incorporating core data into the reservoir model.
- Critically evaluate the options for defining rock types.
- Estimate FWL and fluid contacts.
- Understand how a Saturation Height Function (SHF) is built, implemented, and QC’d.
- Appreciate what can be captured at log and core scale.
Course Summary
This module considers and develops skills to measure and integrate conventional and special core analysis (SCAL) data into static and dynamic reservoir models. The module is structured to demonstrate the complete workflow from core acquisition to reservoir model construction.
Learning Outcomes
- Design a core analysis programme to supply all data required for reservoir modelling.
- Perform quality checking of core analysis data.
- Build a saturation height function for use within the reservoir model.
- Measure and quality check relative permeability data and integrate these data into the reservoir model.
Course Summary
Considers the sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic inputs to the reservoir model. Along with data from the chosen case study area the selection of appropriate analogues is considered. The use of these regional and analogue data with their associated uncertainties to develop a number of alternative conceptual models is considered.
Learning Outcomes
- Assess the sources of data that contribute to the understanding and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs, their use, and the associated uncertainty.
- Understand the basic concepts of wettability, capillarity, relative permeability, and Darcy’s Law, and how to define fluid contacts and flow zones.
- Appreciate how different depositional architectures and stacking patterns arise.
- Asses heterogenous, tight/fine-grained, carbonate, and clastic reservoirs.
- Evaluate the varying methods of reservoir correlation.
- Consider faults as barriers or conduits.
- Locate the remaining oil and review well test and production data.
- Understand how to select appropriate analogues for reservoir characterisation.
Course Summary
The central themes of this software-based workflow are the construction of robust structural models, the development of an understanding and appreciation of the uncertainties within them, and how these impact the resultant reservoir model.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply stratal terminations and reflection geometry techniques to determine the timing of different fault sets.
- Consider the effects of stratal geometry on reservoir distribution.
- Understand the fundamental difference between picking 2D vs 3D data and develop appropriate picking and surface generation techniques relevant to the data set and problems being addressed.
- Appreciate the rationale for considering structural styles while interpreting seismic data.
- Become aware of automated techniques for fault picking and apply them to data, being aware of the limitations.
- Consider that there may be different interpretation scenarios and evaluate if they can be ranked and risked.
- Develop an understanding of relevant fault statistic relationships and apply these relationships to QC initial fault/surface model.
- Be aware of the types of fault rock that are common in reservoirs and the impact they have on fluid flow.
- Appreciate the difference between juxtaposition and fault rock seal and consider the implications of these concepts in reservoir modelling.
Course Summary
This software-based workflow focuses on the process of reservoir model design and simulation model-building, addresses the underlying reasons why some models disappoint, and offers solutions which support the building of more efficient, fit-for-purpose models.
Learning Outcomes
- Appreciate different model purposes; define the model purpose and select the model elements most appropriate to this purpose.
- Describe the components of the model design template; appreciate how the template is used and why this is necessary prior to embarking on the model build itself.
- Understand the difference between 'facies', 'flow units', 'rock types' and 'model elements'; explain why the choice of elements is fluid-dependent ('Flora's Rule'); describe different element types.
- Critically evaluate the application of the rock modelling options and algorithms in the software model.
- Explain how different geostatistical algorithms can be used to represent pre-defined reservoir architectures; describe how trends can be used to guide geostatistical algorithms.
- Apply variograms and critically evaluate the property modelling algorithms in in the software model.
- Understand the Representative Elementary Volume (REV) principle and apply it to multi-scale data and modelling in the software model.
- Appreciate the main sources of bias in modelling; describe the alternative generic approaches to uncertainty-handling.
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of scenario-based modelling; be able to construct a scenario tree; apply scenario-based modelling in the software model.